Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beautiful Weather
The weather has been off and on lately. Fuck is up with that? Just finished watchin Ratatouille, one of my favorite animated movies. Had the meanest hang over all day. Jamie's lil shindig @ G+G last nite was too much fun. I vomitted everywhere. Sorry ummpa. Came home, dropped my keys in front of the door after I opened it, could have sworn I put them on the fridge. Then I fell asleep fully clothed with one sneaker on. My mom says I'm an alcoholic =/ . I drink alot. I have alot on my mind sometimes and for those half-a-days I forget, its all worth IT. Sidebar: I love my bff tiffany, she is my heart, and she still kissed me goodnite even though I vomitted everywhere. =] This tension headache is killing me. I need some pills or some or a slavic chick who says yes to everything cause she can't understand what I'm saying.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I think I'm addicted to ANTM -_- , Fatima is a beast in the looks department :::lion roar:::. And I think i wana marry Katarzyna =D But uhhra yea... I've been gettin mine blown alot lately. I'm constantly aggrivated and irratated. A change of scenary is needed ASAP. New gossip girls episodes starting on the 21st so my monday nites won't b half blah anymore. Sidebar: my sidekick dies @ the end of this year.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You ever feel so many ways all at once
prior to these feelings
admiration for everything that is you
caught the wind
bottled it in a bottle, blue
an impossible feat
the fact that the spaces between these fingers
prevents the possession of air which is everywhere
still. this summer breeze lingers
and now you have a piece of it
familiar emotions won't be de ja vu
in the entrapment of homely arms
noon skies turned a purple, orange hue
the moon walks down a star-lit street
eyes glued to conversant pavement
routine nights of a distant past
present memories, not like days when
the difference between sure and indifference
too good to be true words
starting line reads "100 % Trust," gradually sweats out
now you don't know what to think because of sincere verbs
to be cont. (i can't finsih shit yo, wtf is up)
The Key To Life Is
I drink so much of this its ridiculous but it keeps the face clear @ the same time i use the bathroom @ least 10 times a day. Its worst because I have to use it the worst as soon as I get on the train to go home. Can you say torture? But thats neither here nor there. [Sidebar: I like that new Mike Jones song, its hella catchy] I'm having a fall back attack. I been single for so long, looks like thats going to be the story for a little while longer. My last 2 brief encounters don't count. I just can't deal and its always because of unavoidable bullshit. Somethings got to give. I just need to get of here, like dead ass -_- . As soon as I'm interested or see myself putting time into something I think is worth it, here comes a bullshit bomb that explodes in my face or I have to prove myself which is not really a problem but I don't have any hidden motives. TRUST is the longest word in the dictionary. Sidebar: I'm going over seas to marry a slavic chick, I need a girl that speaks no english. Anyways here:
i aint got nothing right now but this
"harder than sign language with no fingers to a deaf person"
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Midterms=1 step closer to my future goal
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I Get On Extra Grind When Its Dinner Time
so yea i cooked all the food in the house and this was the only thing left, blueberry fawkin pop tarts and 3 sips of fiji, if this is what my life has been reduced too? its quite sad ANYWAYS yea it was really good and i'm still a lil uninspiried, school is racking my brain, i need some me time, i need to get away, and write, write WRITE, i miss those nights when 4 page poems came to me rightbefore i went to sleep, fuck is up with me. i love all of you and everyone who has been showin love and who likes my wordplay, i really appreciate it, so this is for u [sidebar: this is going to be hella whack, it's one of my off nites]
roses are red
violets are blue
boogers are green
nah i'm just playing
trying to figure out what to say and
nothin comes to mind
its like that writers block kind
of feeling when try to make words come together
forever thats what you said we would bee
za have the sweetest honey i've ever
had one of those situations happen
to be the funniest thing i havent heard since
when did she start dating him
and her dont make a good couple
of hours ago you said you loved me
and who? nah that bitch is lying
is all you ever do
you remember the first time
to go get somethin worth living for
every word that is written has meaning
that this poem is everywhere
is a place i've never traveled but would like to go
away and dont come back
to what i was saying at the beginning about roses
have the sharpest thorns
in my side is what you are
n't you with him, i could have sworn
testimony and you put your life on it
never ceases to amaze me the things you come up with
me is what you should be but your confused
to why i even give a fuck
that shit, i deserve everything i get
is what you don't [you don't get it, get it]
even know my name
3 things you like about me
and you don't mix
that with the sugar
honey ice tea, you have to be the one
plus one equals two
of us need to compromise and come to an agree
to disagree cause this shit doesn't make any sense
that your hesitant and shy
away from me and your distant
thoughts is what wrote this poem
doesnt even rhyme but its mine
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Back Like I Never Left
F R E Emperor
i have been gone for a lil while, 1. bcuz i have been uninspired and IAW 2. bcuz my computer decided to crash when i needed it most, but thats neither here nor there, i'm back, i've missed you and i hope you've missed me, so this is for you
ida like to get to kno you better
maybe in warmer weather
face the sun together
or would you rather
do something else
with your time?
un-tar my heart
pluck these feathers
fuck, i gather
i'll see you when school ends and the better
becomes the weather
ida hate for you not to feel the same
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Rock Band Fiend
BAND NAME: Snuck In The Back Door
Members: Freezer (Leader & Guitarist), Metal Face (Drummer), Slacker J (vocalist)
this is anothewr reason fo rme to stay home