Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So today I brought a bouquet of black roses
To take to my hearts funeral
Encased in a skinny tattooed casket
But she didn't even show up to show respect
So I mourn all by my lonesome
This about the fourth funeral I've been to in my life
I don't usually do these
But I can't help that I'm a necrophiliac
Torture myself with emotional daggers, love whips, sexual asphyxia
Pain turns me on
Makes my dick hard
I climax when my heart is broken
Toes curl when I'm lied to
Moan when I'm cheated on
Scream when you never have time for me
Bite my lip when you make me sad
Eyes roll in the back of my head when you move on
When you say your done with me, I just want to eat it
I'm naughty
A hurtful freak
Pain lusting nymphomania
Your serpents tongue is orgasmic
Hurt me some more
Let me see how far you can go
Blow me
My hearts a slut
This mind's a virgin
My ears are dirty whores
My hand is a pimp
My eyes are abstinent
Only when I'm with you
So all I ask is for the next one is to show up to my hearts funeral
I've already brought the flowers
You don't have to say any words...
You've done enough
Monday, October 6, 2008
I always wanted to kno...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
1 2 3
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ruby Veneer
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Just Tell Me
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Persistence Of a Fabricator
Friday, August 1, 2008
Autopsy Report
body word riddled
laying in a pool of verbs
pen gripped tight in my right hand
but i couldnt pull the ink quick enough
so as love stood opposite of me
approximately 5 feet
because I promised myself I'd never let her get that close again
or fall so deep in it
but I dug a hole 6 feet
and now ironically we're here
duel stance
and she shot faster than me
see, this is the story
time and time again
love has hurt me
so when i finally did enough push-ups
lift 100 pound wieghts to leave her
she couldn't comprehend
its either me
or your going to be slow fucking this here concrete
gasping for air, because the dirt is so sweet
foreplay with casket sheets
this love bitch is crazy
so i reached for my pen
but what i wrote didn't hurt
these poems barely fazed her
as I'm scribbling verbosely
she pulled my heart from her L
loaded it with familiar words
now I'm writing faster
she pulls the trigger slowly
"Nigga drop that pen and come back to me"
raise my hand and aim it at her O
she lets off with no hesitation
her eyes don't even blink
and as the words spew from my heart
hits me so forcefully
she says "One day, I could have loved you back"
tears fallin down her V's
my body dropped
leaking the most grammatic nouns, pronouns, verbs, and adjectives
did I deserve this
am I that cynical and love negative
I had no faith in her
underestimated her so greatly
but I'd take this icebox any day
than a heart with a lady and no warranty
fuck LOVE
what happened to killing me softly?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I wrote this in "some alley"
the earth kills yesterdays
and tomorrow's too
but when 11:59 becomes that 25th hour
I'd like 12:01 to be spent with you
i want mornings to be clear skied
like that day I asked what size do you wear
right eye squinched, sun glared face
i remember this corner, this 1st place ribbon street
where we met for the third time
i say third because i've seen you two times before
my lips were stuck in traffic
but each time including the third
and even more recent
the 100th will be like the first
you are my thirst
in my mind
i rehearshed these lines
but it wasn't quite like what is being written
i couldn't ask for a better YOU
but if i was granted that wish
i'd glady trade it for your kiss
you're bliss defined
i want our seconds to last as long as your hair
and when blue skies turn black
i want my stomach to your back
and everyother morning to be just like that
could you give me a million tomorrow's
or go half on a baby
but get my 100 percent
fuck always being there
i always want you here with me
when words can't describe
emotions, bottled up, explode
when you ask me what I'm thinkin
and I say
you are my song when there's no music to play
you are to me what history is to every day
or you could be, eventually
all i want
check this out
is for YOU to be
[like that thing we do when we finish eachothers sentences]
at the end of I Love
whoever YOU may be
Monday, July 14, 2008
Mr. & Miss
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
But your lips only look
I hold on to my silence so proudly
My heart is what you took
that's It lol
Monday, May 12, 2008
Just Stop
Doesn't take much 2 flick the light switch
Fake smile, seemingly elated
A ladder maybe, to climb down that ditch
Old moves don't work, two-step out-dated
Use to cut rug, tears still marked by a stitch
But those cold words your voicebox stated
Your hand over your forehead as your fingers twitch
Not at all what i thought it should be, highly over-rated
Or maybe you explained wrong or its a matrix glitch
Because I wouldn't have disposed of this watch, time wasted
Or am i mistaken, at the part of which
That was so dolorous, made you take down negated
No explanation, still stcratching my head, confused itch
No regrets, but if put off and waited
Same story, fuck next time, place switch
Not too much work, uninspired and undedicated
the growing up is poor, but my words are still rich
[sidebar: don't ask me what it means, and if you don't get it, then I did my job]
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beautiful Weather
The weather has been off and on lately. Fuck is up with that? Just finished watchin Ratatouille, one of my favorite animated movies. Had the meanest hang over all day. Jamie's lil shindig @ G+G last nite was too much fun. I vomitted everywhere. Sorry ummpa. Came home, dropped my keys in front of the door after I opened it, could have sworn I put them on the fridge. Then I fell asleep fully clothed with one sneaker on. My mom says I'm an alcoholic =/ . I drink alot. I have alot on my mind sometimes and for those half-a-days I forget, its all worth IT. Sidebar: I love my bff tiffany, she is my heart, and she still kissed me goodnite even though I vomitted everywhere. =] This tension headache is killing me. I need some pills or some or a slavic chick who says yes to everything cause she can't understand what I'm saying.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I think I'm addicted to ANTM -_- , Fatima is a beast in the looks department :::lion roar:::. And I think i wana marry Katarzyna =D But uhhra yea... I've been gettin mine blown alot lately. I'm constantly aggrivated and irratated. A change of scenary is needed ASAP. New gossip girls episodes starting on the 21st so my monday nites won't b half blah anymore. Sidebar: my sidekick dies @ the end of this year.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You ever feel so many ways all at once
prior to these feelings
admiration for everything that is you
caught the wind
bottled it in a bottle, blue
an impossible feat
the fact that the spaces between these fingers
prevents the possession of air which is everywhere
still. this summer breeze lingers
and now you have a piece of it
familiar emotions won't be de ja vu
in the entrapment of homely arms
noon skies turned a purple, orange hue
the moon walks down a star-lit street
eyes glued to conversant pavement
routine nights of a distant past
present memories, not like days when
the difference between sure and indifference
too good to be true words
starting line reads "100 % Trust," gradually sweats out
now you don't know what to think because of sincere verbs
to be cont. (i can't finsih shit yo, wtf is up)
The Key To Life Is
I drink so much of this its ridiculous but it keeps the face clear @ the same time i use the bathroom @ least 10 times a day. Its worst because I have to use it the worst as soon as I get on the train to go home. Can you say torture? But thats neither here nor there. [Sidebar: I like that new Mike Jones song, its hella catchy] I'm having a fall back attack. I been single for so long, looks like thats going to be the story for a little while longer. My last 2 brief encounters don't count. I just can't deal and its always because of unavoidable bullshit. Somethings got to give. I just need to get of here, like dead ass -_- . As soon as I'm interested or see myself putting time into something I think is worth it, here comes a bullshit bomb that explodes in my face or I have to prove myself which is not really a problem but I don't have any hidden motives. TRUST is the longest word in the dictionary. Sidebar: I'm going over seas to marry a slavic chick, I need a girl that speaks no english. Anyways here:
i aint got nothing right now but this
"harder than sign language with no fingers to a deaf person"
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Midterms=1 step closer to my future goal
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I Get On Extra Grind When Its Dinner Time
so yea i cooked all the food in the house and this was the only thing left, blueberry fawkin pop tarts and 3 sips of fiji, if this is what my life has been reduced too? its quite sad ANYWAYS yea it was really good and i'm still a lil uninspiried, school is racking my brain, i need some me time, i need to get away, and write, write WRITE, i miss those nights when 4 page poems came to me rightbefore i went to sleep, fuck is up with me. i love all of you and everyone who has been showin love and who likes my wordplay, i really appreciate it, so this is for u [sidebar: this is going to be hella whack, it's one of my off nites]
roses are red
violets are blue
boogers are green
nah i'm just playing
trying to figure out what to say and
nothin comes to mind
its like that writers block kind
of feeling when try to make words come together
forever thats what you said we would bee
za have the sweetest honey i've ever
had one of those situations happen
to be the funniest thing i havent heard since
when did she start dating him
and her dont make a good couple
of hours ago you said you loved me
and who? nah that bitch is lying
is all you ever do
you remember the first time
to go get somethin worth living for
every word that is written has meaning
that this poem is everywhere
is a place i've never traveled but would like to go
away and dont come back
to what i was saying at the beginning about roses
have the sharpest thorns
in my side is what you are
n't you with him, i could have sworn
testimony and you put your life on it
never ceases to amaze me the things you come up with
me is what you should be but your confused
to why i even give a fuck
that shit, i deserve everything i get
is what you don't [you don't get it, get it]
even know my name
3 things you like about me
and you don't mix
that with the sugar
honey ice tea, you have to be the one
plus one equals two
of us need to compromise and come to an agree
to disagree cause this shit doesn't make any sense
that your hesitant and shy
away from me and your distant
thoughts is what wrote this poem
doesnt even rhyme but its mine
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Back Like I Never Left
F R E Emperor
i have been gone for a lil while, 1. bcuz i have been uninspired and IAW 2. bcuz my computer decided to crash when i needed it most, but thats neither here nor there, i'm back, i've missed you and i hope you've missed me, so this is for you
ida like to get to kno you better
maybe in warmer weather
face the sun together
or would you rather
do something else
with your time?
un-tar my heart
pluck these feathers
fuck, i gather
i'll see you when school ends and the better
becomes the weather
ida hate for you not to feel the same
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Rock Band Fiend
BAND NAME: Snuck In The Back Door
Members: Freezer (Leader & Guitarist), Metal Face (Drummer), Slacker J (vocalist)
this is anothewr reason fo rme to stay home
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ohhh you trippin noww
are you, are you that somebody? or is it you ben lovin on somebody else?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Kinda back
memories, the replies were always "Cause..."
i love you's answered
is uncurable cancer
i'm no longer the romancer i was
i could make you feel
something so fake
because no matter how long you stay awake
the day will always come to an end
the REAL is your dreams
so don't wake up
here is the only place where
you can place a seat on top of the world and sit
that emotion wasn't manifested by me
surely, i fed you sincere words
held you geniunely
but this was all a facade, you see
that wasn't at all me
you are the prettiest untruth
like those before and after ads
but you were after first and before last
said you've been through alot of shit in your past
men all wearing the same mask
and for this broadway play, you borrowed it
what a perfect fit
a table, two places set, and i sat there and got fed shit
and i desired that taste
it was the best shit i've ever tasted
seconds' if i may
to be away for a day was like mayhem
we had this odd chem... istry
you made me love that seat
when we were incomplete
because we couldn't stand eachother
when we were away from one another
but together
was like the best weather
a summer afternoon
a minute past was too soon
i wish those full moons would never end
i would have taped it to the darkness for you
black skies never again to turn bright blue
i'm a special kind of fool
not the yellow bus kind
the love is blind, you took over my mind, love and hate thin line, kind
then I was a can't sleep, no food, can't eat, cry out my eyes blood weep
thats just my heart you can sweep that up too, type
look to the light
and pray
I pray not to feel, not to touch, to see
and i would pray not to hear, unless
its pointless
if lies sound the same to the deaf
wtf is up
Thursday, March 27, 2008
mad rugged, in need of a shape up ASAP
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
a field of tattoo flowers
jus got home from school, day kind of dragged, a real blahhhhh 8-4 kind of day, i need a XXX vitamin water and i have this itch for another tattoo, how i miss the pain, a lil sex wouldn't hurt either, or jus mayb someone genuine to spend time with, i miss my bff btw, sidebar: asha has some powerful word skills =], anyways here you go
a word
no matter how many letters has so much power
but when comin from your mouth
words that were so sweet, became so sour
my ears recieve
those words decieve
love in your voice is just a four letter curse
remember need and want and can't live without
i yearned for those
starved myself from other females
hungry for your heart details
your tongue ails poison my body
the most beautiful liar
nothing more than a belt notch
after you threw away
what you told me was your favorite watch
i was a genuine time piece
or at least
that what you said
now a waste of time
a minute too long, a second dead
i was the best thing that happened
so whats the worst thing that didn't
i don't know how to treat a woman
a disappointment, no effort put forth
where were these words, why were they hidden
so calculated, love cries
my heart dries out, a drought, and die
sex moans are now cold sighs
i guess thats my fault too
i run from questions
feelings irrelevant, not mentioned
tension so thick
fuck love, LOVE makes me sick
remember when you said
and you promised
and you plead
remember you were the warmest part of my bed
nah, you probably wouldn't
you said you couldn't
go through that again
repent from this sin
but tell me if it ever was this good
tell me when
rip my heart from my arms
no harm done
the alram was disarmed
your a magician with charm
i hope home is his arms
i don't really do
i say these things because hurt won't let me say i love you
hurt won't let me need
or understand
or express
i loved you, yes
but that was yesterday
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I so should be doing my pharmacology homework
but my vitamin water is finish and my pop-tarts are hot, AIM on the sidekick is blowin mine n as u can see ima fiend cuz I'm AIM'n mad hard on the pc, but as I'm sittin here, I realized ima fat n lonely person on the inside, but I'm workin on that, anyways this is for you
I'd give her my heart
If she could make me smile everyday
I'd give her my soul
If frowns were always this way
Upside down
Only if she doesn't mind picking my heart
Up from the ground
Just left of her night gown
She could keep it
Right on top of hers
Like when my face is buried in her neck
Engulfed in her body heat and eachothers sweat
Fall asleep to that love beat in her chest
This only lasts for one night
Maybe even less
Right back
to her putting on her dress
Left fronting
If she leaves my world won't be right side up
My mind says stay
My throat barely moist, dry mouth
Just stay with me 'til day breaks
And we'll put it back together, together
I want you to be
That person
When weather taps us on the back
We turn around confident
Now open that book
Pick a page
I promise I won't look
And pass it to me
Did you choose page seventeen?
Thats says it all
And all over again that dress begins to fall
I praised newton's law of gravitation
this is something new
hopefully somethin you would want to get use to
or maybe not
"get use to" is somethin you use to get
she said be spontaneous
be something I won't forget
be my catchers mit
only if you'll be my home base
cloud 81, a catch 22, love potion number 9
so selfish, a childs favorite word
melted this icebox, filled this hollow chest
love architect, hard hat, heart cement
est unknown, 1 sincere plaza, in love edifice
builder anonymous
i havent met her yet
Pussy Personification
I'd make her cry
And if it was death
I'd die
Open the casket and lie
Right in it
If it was truth
I'd bend it, NO
Tell it like it is
Because they say the truth will set you free
If it could see
I'd want to be
The first thing it set its eyes upon
If pussy was gone
I'd want to be where it left to
And if it was blue
I'd cheer her up
I'd drink from it
If pussy was a cup
If I fell on bad times
Pussy would be good luck
If I was at the lowest degree of sadness
Pussy would be my bliss
I'd give her a tongue kiss
If she was a french lady
She'd be as sweet as sadie
Like that R. Kelly song
I don't want to be right
If pussy is wrong
Or left even
If she was leaving
I'd chase
I'd catch pussy if it was a case
And if it was coke
I'd sniff that line
And if she were mine
She'd be nine
And I'd be seven
Because thats what I eight
I'd never be on time
If pussy was late
And if pussy was great
I'd be tony the tiger
If she was annoying
I'd wouldn't mind her
I'd find her
If she was lost
I'd be an employee
If pussy was the boss
However much she was
I'd pay pussy's cost
She'd be number 11 on the chinese lunch special
Extra general tso's chicken sauce
I'd be exhaust... ed
If pussy was a race
I'd be first place
Out-running everyone's pace
I'd love it when I'm in her
This is my homage to you
I hope y0u get this message
Meriam Webster
an object of extreme, short-lived passion
infatuation defined
u r my infatuation personified, see synonyms at love t
hat's wut i can't find the definition of, or evn a reason
y ur voice sparks my libido
or y ur words mek me feel fetal
or y i dream vivid porn scenes
or y u remind me of christmas mornin
this is no mere...
infatution, or promise or pinky swear,
its has to b more,
patient to see wuts in store
this is a nail-biting novel, an unfinished movie
a feeling of intense desire n attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair
unexplainable elation
love defined
see synonyms at infatuation.
Monday, March 24, 2008
after a couple years or months
2 many times I took this love jump
walked 2 the edge, close my eyes, arms out, stepped off the ledge and drop
but when in love this fall should never stop
it should be like pouring water
you should never have 2 get up
my body bruised from torturous bliss
i let love kill me over and over again
i fall get up n fall once again
hav u eva ben thru that
now you tell me about being fucking attached
or how you've been hurt in the past
and I'll show you my body cast
and the once wet plaster that surrounds my heart
now hard and holds together all the parts
you would think i was masochistic
let love kill me 2 wake and embrace love and kiss it
I'm foolish only because of this
my feelings caught up in my hearts sub-plot
and with love thas as far as I got...
How many can relate?
i don't wana try again with any one, but i would like to be met half way, or even half way of half way, i want something new, something so not new york, you know? i want a los angeles, las vegas, houston, baton rouge, atlanta, miami, detroit, chicago, oklahoma city, salt lake city, des moines, rhode island female me, is that too much to ask for? where are you baby? call me or respond
Carpal Tunnel
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Academy Award
stab my heart with this pen
blood vessels ink stained
love is a game
happiness the same
and i neva win
thus a loser
name... less
this torment is my bliss
and my admiration grows on for the worlds greatest actresses
lay w/ devils in blue dresses
unconcious as she cuts these angel wings i grow back after every fall
5'6 but my ego is 7 feet tall
and it blinds me
a shroud
so i can't see
she walks on black clouds
can't hear her 4 inch heels as she creeps
maybe as much afraid of the leap as i am
but that's no excuse to be stuck backwards
if you werent lookin 2 move foward keep the car in reverse
and let me walk straight
as my heart follows in a hearst
what a scene
my senses aren't as keen... as i thought
up in the caught
i have nothin left
or right
how bout you
line goes flat
skin goes pale
lips go blue
nominees are
the oscar goes to